We will be closed Dec. 23rd, 24th, 30th & 31st. If you have a loan due on one of those days, please bring it in on the following Saturday (Dec 28th or Jan 4th)

What We Offer Now

We have a location in the Foothills malls where the community can come to play with and check out toys, board games, and puzzles donated by the community (see our open hours on the home page).

You are able to sign up for an account for free and are able to check out up to three items for three weeks.

We are able to accept donations of toys, games, and puzzles (see what we accept here).

Our Plans for the Future

Our mission is to “promote the value of social play for all ages in our local community,” and there are plenty of other ways we could fulfill that mission. Here are a few others that have come up during our brainstorming sessions:

  • Loaning toys, games and puzzles out to Family Housing Network, or other programs that provide day programs for unhoused families.
  • Donating toys, games and puzzles to newly housed families, in addition to the donated housewares they normally receive.
  • Creating community events that bring people of different backgrounds together over puzzles and games.
  • Being an expert resource for children and adults looking for a suitable toy, puzzle or game.
What would you add? Do you have ideas that fit our mission? Are you interested in helping us out? Sign up here.