How It Started

In the spring of 2009, we (Sara & Dug Steen) were living in Wellington, NZ with our three girls (ages 2, 8, and 14). There were, of course, many impressive things to see and do in New Zealand, but one that made a particular, lasting impression was the local toy library. It was a godsend. Each week or so we would return to browse and bring home toys and games; our girls enjoying their haul of new playthings until the fun wore off (which, as any parent can tell you, often doesn’t take long), at which point we’d head back and start again. It was a fantastic resource, and something we felt should be available for any family. We resolved then and there to implement something similar once we returned home to the States.

We did almost nothing about it for almost 15 years after that sabbatical, but some ideas just can’t be forgotten. In 2022, we began talking to other folks about putting together a toy, game, and puzzle library here in Fort Collins.

We started to gather lists of interested people, we talked up the idea among friends and neighbors, and we started looking for a location. In January of 2023, we pulled together a board of directors and formed a non-profit organization (creatively named The Toy, Game, and Puzzle Library). And finally, in May of 2023 we found a location we could use for free, thanks to the good people of the Foothills Mall.

Since officially opening to the public in November of 2023 we have made our first steps in providing fun for the Fort Collins community; one toy, game, and puzzle at a time. Will you join us?

(Interested in the nuts & bolts of the non-profit organization? Our by-laws, board and such? You can find all that stuff on this page.)