Full Disclosure
As a non-profit organization, it’s important to us that our workings be open and transparent for the community we’re serving. Here you will find a number of our official documents. If you’re interested in anything more, please reach out to us at admin@tgplibrary.org.
Our Board of Directors

Dug Steen, Executive Director
Dug has been an avid game player (and designer) for decades. His love of play and his eagerness to share his game collection with others are what drove him to start (with Sara) the Toy, Game, and Puzzle Library originally. Now that it’s going, however, he finds that it’s the fun people and the happy kids that draw him back week after week.

Sara Steen, Board Chair
Sara fell in love with the Toy Library concept when on sabbatical with her family in New Zealand in 2009, and has been dreaming of creating one ever since. Being able to move 2/3 of the games out of her family’s basement to share with the Fort Collins community (where she grew up) is a huge side bonus. Creating community is her main jam now that she’s retired from academia, so the TGP Library is a perfect fit.

Mary Hamilton, Secretary
Mary is retired from a long career in Early Care and Education, as the executive director of 3 on-site child care
centers at hospitals and a university. She also worked as the Director of Professional Development of a large national child care company, and for the Colorado Department of Education.
Mary believes in the value of play at any age for connecting with oneself and others. She enjoys playing with her family and friends, whether it be with a game, on a bike, skis, hiking, golfing or playing on the water. She volunteers with the city of Fort Collins Next Level Neighborhood program working to build sustainable connections among neighbors.

Andy Schmelzle, Treasurer
Andy is a lifelong board, tabletop and video game player. Andy immediately loved the TGP Library after chasing his son into it after a basketball game at the Foothills Activity Center. Andy is a huge believer in teaching children reading, math and problem solving through playing games. He firmly believes that EVERY kid should have access to toys and games. We all love libraries for books, so why not toys?!
Andy trained as a CPA in the corporate world to prepare for the opportunity to help with “money stuff” at the TGP Library.

Kate Ross, Data
As a mother of a youngster who is passionate about toys, and also someone who seeks out ways to reduce waste and serve her community, the TGP library is a dream come true for Kate. Kate loves the joyful atmosphere of the library and its focus on interconnectedness. She volunteers weekly at TGP with her son, and in her spare time also enjoys digging into TGP data analytics.

Miguel Mahany, Events
Miguel is a strong proponent of play for any and all ages in any form, and before joining the TGP Library he created a separate community with members all around the world who also know the value of play. When he saw the library had a similar mission he immediately knew he wanted it to succeed, and signed up to help any way he could. He now volunteers each weekend and plans events for the TGP Library with the goal to provide fun and meaningful experiences for the Fort Collins community.